
Customer Journey




A: Information of Applicant 申请人信息:
Contact information(申请人手机):
Applicant position(申请人职务):
Organization name(单位名称):
Organization type(单位属性):
Type of the organization(机构状况):
Organization address(机构地址):
city name(机构地址城市名称):
Organization address zip code(机构地址邮政编码):
Organization website(机构网址)(没有网址必须上传营业执照):
Shipping Address(接收动物设施地址):
Animal use/production permit number (接收设施的实验动物使用许可证编号) :
Expire date(失效日期):
B: Information of Primary User :
Go to C if all the information in B is as same as A. Please fill the differences if part of the information is not same. (如动物使用人信息同A,请直接到C。如部分信息同A,请仅填写不同的信息)。
Contact information(申请人手机):
Applicant position(申请人职务):
Organization name(单位名称):
Organization type(单位属性):
Type of the organization(机构状况):
Organization address(机构地址):
city name(机构地址城市名称):
Organization address zip code(机构地址邮政编码):
Organization website(机构网址)(没有网址必须上传营业执照):
Shipping Address(接收动物设施地址):
Animal use/production permit number (接收设施的实验动物使用许可证编号) :
Expire date(失效日期):
C:Facility Information:
Go to D if the shipping address is as same as A or B.(接收JAX小鼠机构/动物设施信息, 如果同 A 或 B 请跳过)。
Organization name(接收机构全称):
Shipping Address(接收动物设施地址):
city name(接收动物设施城市名称):
Shipping Address zip code(接收动物设施地址邮政编码):
Organization website(机构网址)(没有网址必须上传营业执照):
Organization type(单位属性):
Type of the organization(机构状况):
Contact person(联系人):
Cell #(手机号):
Animal use/production permit number(接收设施的实验动物使用许可证编号):
Expiration date(失效日期):
Reasons of using another animal facility(使用非申请人所在设施的原因)

D: Acceptance Requirement Requirements for acceptance mice in your facility (接收小鼠设施对接收外来动物的要求):
If JAX mice are rejected for acceptance due to the inaccurate information, the applicant or the institution shall pay the loss caused thereby. Thanks. (请提供您单位或您需要将JAX小鼠运送到的设施对接受外来动物进入设施的要求。如因信息不准确导致JAX mice被拒绝受理,申请人或机构应承担由此造成的经济损失。谢谢!)
Acceptance Requirement 接收要求(填写必须遵循的要求)
点击 增加要求
E: Laboratory Animal Welfare Information of animal receiving facility (escape this section if the facility has AAALAC or CNAS accreditation, a copy of the accreditation is required as an attachment) 接收小鼠设施实验动物伦理福利管理情况。如果有AAALAC 或CNAS认证的设施可以不填此栏,但需上传认证扫描件。
Go to D if the shipping address is as same as A or B.(接收JAX小鼠机构/动物设施信息, 如果同 A 或 B 请跳过)。
Certification #(兽医证编号):
School of Graduation(毕业学校):
Do your facility have animal ethics committee?(接受单位是否有实验动物伦理委员会?)
Does your facility have animal use and care committee?(接受单位是否有实验动物福利委员会?)
Does your facility have OLAW assurance number?(接收单位是否有NIH实验动物福利办公室发的保证号?)
Does your facility have animal care plan?(接受单位是否有动物照顾计划?)